Family offices have many advantages as investors, but sometimes lack access to great investment opportunities in the technology field. Now, through a partnership with Alpha Venture Partners and Pritzker Group Venture Capital, they can tap into huge growth potential.

Alpha Venture Partners’ unique investment strategy allows family offices to gain access to topline deals that they might not have otherwise.

“I founded Alpha as a realization that—as an early stage investor—that  there are huge opportunities downstream for early stage VCs to capitalize on,” said Steve Brotman, founder and managing partner at Alpha Venture Partners in a talk to a group of 80 family offices and venture firms.

Brotman’s comments were part of a fireside chat of J.B. Pritzker, co-founder and managing partner of Pritzker Group, with Esther Dyson, hosted by Alpha Venture Partners.

“For family offices who are interested in participating in these growing companies, we started a fund to directly invest in these opportunities and provide to family offices that are interested in working with venture capital firms and private equity firms and the Pritzker group a conduit to do that.”

Earlier that evening, Pritzker spoke more in depth on the unique advantage that family offices have as technology investors.

“The industries your families came out of are industries you know extraordinarily well and therefore—as technology expands, and every business is a technology business—you have a unique opportunity, compared to other venture capital firms, because of the breadth of those relationships into non tech industries,” he said.

Pritzker gave an example from his own family.

“One of the advantages that we have as a VC firm is that we have been involved in so many industries throughout the years and currently own companies in many industries,” Pritzker explained. “The fact that we are the largest non-aerospace investment casting manufacturers does not seem very interesting to tech investors, but guess what, they use a lot of technology. There are opportunities because we understand the industry well. We know if a product will apply well in an industry and we have the relationships to go find the customers.”

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JB Pritzker & Steve Brotman on partnering with Pritzker Group and Alpha Venture Partnersfrom Alpha Venture Partners on Vimeo.

Save the Date: AlphaMarket, October 16, 2024.